Neuropotentical Clinics

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At Neuropotential Clinics, we believe optimal mental health can be achieved through comprehensive assessments and a combination of personalized, non-invasive therapies. Our customized treatment programs address conditions such as ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Psychological Trauma, and Peak/Optimal Performance. Our clinic approaches mental health as a work in progress and not with a quick fix mentality. We at Neuropotential Clinics strive for our clients to not only improve their symptoms, but to reach their brain’s potential.

20 De Boers Drive
Suite 230

North YorkON
M3J 0H1

(416) 398-9991 (Voice)


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Primary category: Offices of Mental Health Practitioners (except Physicians) (62133)
Secondary category: Offices of All Other Health Practitioners (62139)