PNE Amphitheatre

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Since 1910, the Pacific National Exhibition Amphitheatre has played host to a huge variety of events, from sporting tournaments to cultural events to music concerts, and, of course, the hugely popular yearly Summer Fair! Now the PNE is the biggest youth employer in British Columbia, as well as hosting the longest running and most-attended annual ticketed event in BC. Many events of cultural and historical importance have taken place here – from the Beatles’ famous live performance to the historic Miracle Mile. From miles around, people journey to Vancouver to attend the most anticipated events in all of Canada! Across the city, nowhere captures the culture and essence of Vancouver quite like the Pacific National Exhibition.

2901 E. Hastings Street
V5K 5J1

(604) 253-2311 (Voice)


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Keywords: PNE Amphitheatre, PNE Amphitheater Vancouver
Primary category: Theatre Companies and Dinner Theatres (71111)