Vitasave (Warehouse)

edit this listing is one of Canada’s fastest growing e-commerce companies in the natural health product industry but we also have stores at all of our warehouse locations. So come by and visit if you have any specific needs and ask the experts. Our mission is to make healthy living accessible and affordable for everyone. We provide an unparalleled level of customer service online and at our physical stores and proudly offer free 3 day shipping on orders over $69 within Canada and a hassle-free 60 day return policy.

90a Centurian Drive
L3R 8C5

(888) 958-5405 (Voice)


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Enable Email link, Website link and Contact form. Without these links, customers must contact you by phone or going to your physical address.
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Keywords: Vitamins, minerals, supplements, natural health store, supplement store, protein powder
Primary category: Other Health and Personal Care Stores (44619)
Secondary category: Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses (45411)