Dr. Birring Eye Care

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At Dr. Birring Eyecare, we strive towards providing our patients with customized services that are in sync with the latest advancements in the field of optometry. We are delighted to serve our patients with utmost care and ensure that they have a warm and welcoming experience in a hygienic ambience along with state of the art practices. In addition to this, our aim is to educate our patients on the importance of maintaining ocular wellness and recommendations on the course of treatment best suited for them. We believe that the success of our efforts and practices rely solely on the happiness of our patients.

46 Goreway Drive
L4T 2S7

(905) 677-9164 (Voice)


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Keywords: eye doctor, best optometrist, optometry clinic, optometry services, eye care services, eye disease treatment, contact lens exam, contact lens fitting, driver's license eye exam, eye exam, children's eye exam, comprehensive eye exam, digital retinal imaging, dry eye treatment, eye conjunctivitis treatment, allergic pink eye treatment, Glaucoma Testing & Management, Laser Vision Co-Management, glaucoma treatment, laser vision correction
Primary category: Offices of Optometrists (62132)
Number of employees: 10 to 19