Physiomed Thornhill

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Thornhill residents can easily access our services, and we’re proud to provide our treatment programs to the local community. Thornhill is located in the Greater Toronto Area just north of the city of Toronto. It has grown over time as a result of its proximity to the city, and as a result, the demand for high-quality health services has also increased. Thornhill has an ethnically diverse population, allowing Physiomed to serve individuals from all walks of life and with a variety of health concerns. Our approach to improving health is based on customized treatments that address the root cause of pain or dysfunction. We incorporate a thorough examination and assessment process that lets you identify existing risk factors and helps determine the most effective solutions.

130 Racco Parkway
L4J 8X9

(289) 807-0137 (Voice)


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Primary category: Offices of Chiropractors (62131)
Secondary category: Offices of Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapists and Audiologists (62134)