KEN Connections Inc.

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KENCareers is a high-quality admissions consulting firm that has been successfully helping candidates for admissions to college, business school, law school, medical school and graduate school across USA & Canada. At KENCareers we understand how valuable your time is. You may ask us ‘Why should I spend 15 minutes of my time speaking to an KENCareers counselor’. The answer is very simple: we make this all about you; Your Profile, Your Goals, Your Experience. These 15 minutes are an opportunity for us to discover your background & to start helping you formulate an action-plan to get you into a school/university of your choice. We believe that every student deserves a bespoke approach, proficiently developed and strategically tailored to make his/her applications stand out.

454 Nautical Boulevard
L6L 0A6

(289) 997-5184 (Voice)


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Primary category: Educational Support Services (61171)
Secondary category: Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services (54169)