Simon Air Quality

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Simon Air Quality is a service based company that focuses on indoor air quality and everything that pertains to indoor air quality - contaminants, toxins, pollution, emissions, VOCs, allergens, gases, etc. At Simon Air Quality, we have the tools and equipment required to accurately and efficiently examine indoor environments to find the cause of poor air quality.

126 Tweed Crescent
K4R 1A4

(613) 866-2092 (Voice)


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Keywords: indoor, air, quality, asbestos, mold, VOC, test, measurement, sample, clearance, environment, purified, radon, mitigation, clean, allergies, Ottawa, Ontario, inspection, home, pre-sale, abatement
Primary category: Remediation Services (56291)
Secondary category: Environmental Consulting Services (54162)
Number of employees: 10 to 19