Liberty Law

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Liberty Law understands the complexity of the judicial system and is committed to providing the services of criminal lawyers in Grande Prairie. For years, they have successfully fought for each individual who has found himself in a complicated situation with the law. When it comes to criminal charges, you need to act quickly. You must immediately get help from the criminal lawyers in Grande Prairie. Liberty Law is proud to offer a great array of legal services, expertly dealing with even the most complicated ones. Allow their team to provide all the help you will need all throughout the process. Learn more about how their criminal lawyers in Grande Prairie can serve you when you book a free initial consultation today.

10110 107 Street NW
300 MacLean Block

T5J 1J4

(780) 784-7500 (Voice)
(780) 421-4872 (Fax)
(833) 784-7500 (Toll free)


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Keywords: criminal lawyer edmonton, criminal lawyers edmonton, edmonton criminal lawyer, criminal defence lawyer edmonton, edmonton criminal defence lawyers, edmonton criminal law firms, dui lawyer edmonton
Primary category: Offices of Lawyers (54111)