CorpShadow BizStore

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We are a distributor of multiple brands which are PCEngines, ODROID (Hardkernel), Khadas, MAKERbuino and embedded systems. We are different from other distributors and resellers because we provide a custom assembly service with OS installation as per project requirements, we make labelling, and we pack and ship directly to our customer's customer. Our product range starts from 35$ computer to heavy-duty servers. We also provide preinstalled low-cost firewalls based on opensource OS. Our site has hardware which is suitable for a freelancer Tech who work on home computers or small office solutions, as well as multi-branch companies.

200 North Service Road West
Unit 370

L6M 2Y1

(855) 717-2677 (Voice)


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Keywords: pfsense firewall hardware, pfsense router hardware, pfsense hardware appliance, open source firewall linux, hardware firewall for home
Primary category: Computer, Computer Peripheral and Pre-Packaged Software Wholesaler-Distributors (41731)