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Kyozou is a software company, established in 2003 and based in Toronto. Our main product is all in one software to manage online sales. Our tool is intended for inventory and warehouse management, integrated with different marketplaces such as eBay, Amazon, Walmart, Newegg, and clients own e-commerce website on our platform. We provide full training and onboarding for clients and follow up support by a dedicated customer success manager to help them grow their sales using our platform.

4580 Dufferin St
Unit 510

North YorkON
M3H 5Y2

(416) 667-0301 (Voice)


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Enable Email link, Website link and Contact form. Without these links, customers must contact you by phone or going to your physical address.
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Keywords: Inventory management tools, inventory management software, Multichannel listing software, online sales inventory management, multi-channel inventory management, marketplace listings management, shipping management software, order management software, warehouse management tools, warehouse management software, e-commerce automation software, inventory automation software
Primary category: Computer, Computer Peripheral and Pre-Packaged Software Wholesaler-Distributors (41731)
Number of employees: 10 to 19