Arenson Dental & Associates

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At Arenson Dental & Associates, you will receive personalized dental care to keep your teeth and gums healthy now and in the future. Located in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Arenson Dental provides the knowledge, care, and assistance to help every member of your family. Whether you are in need of general dentistry such as professional teeth cleaning and preventative exams to more intensive treatments such as wisdom teeth removal or extractions, their knowledgeable, friendly team of professionals can help. To ensure you receive the quality of dental care that you deserve and need, only the latest technology is used. If you are one of the many who are frightened and feel anxious when sitting in the dental chair, two sedation options are available to help you feel calm and comfortable.

815 Major Mackenzie Dr E
Unit 7

Richmond HillON
L4C 9X2

(905) 770-3000 (Voice)


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Keywords: dentist richmond hill,dentist office near me,vaughan dental clinic,orthodontist near me,orthodontist richmond hill,vaughan children's dentistry
Primary category: Offices of Dentists (62121)
Number of employees: 10 to 19