Liberate Your True Self

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Crystal Shop - Metaphysical Store - Large selection of crystals and gemstones, in many shapes (tumbled, worry stone, palmstone, tower, sphere, heart), including jewelry. Incense and smudge such as sage, palo santo. Spiritual Energy Healing - Helping you enhance your energy-body, change your mindset, and balance your emotions for personal transformation. Through spiritual and energy healing, I help people who feel overwhelmed with their emotions gain a sense of inner peace, so they can experience more happiness and ease in their life. Meditation & Workshops - Group healing, guided meditation & shamanic journeying, workshops on intuition, space clearing, healing, working with crystals, etc.

2220 Vintner Street
Port MoodyBC
V3H 1Y7

(778) 800-9342 (Voice)


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Keywords: gemstone, crystal, alternative healing, spiritual, reiki, meditation, healing, spiritual healing, psychic, gemstones, crystals
Primary category: All Other Miscellaneous Store Retailers (45399)
Secondary category: Gift, Novelty and Souvenir Stores (45322)