Thorndale Farm Supplies & Country Store

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Supporting Local Farmers and Proudly Selling Locally Made Products. Your one-stop shop in Thorndale for Canadian made products including: Purina ProPlan Dog & Cat Food, Purina Dog Chow & Kitten Chow, Taiga Dog Food, Shur-Gain Pet Food, Bright’s Cheese, Farm Fresh Free Run Brown Eggs, Norpac Meat Products, Noah Martin Smoked Meat, Honey & Aunt Lena’s Preserves, Jakeman’s Maple Syrup, Bird Seed & Feeders, Pool Chlorine and Supplies, Lawn Seed and Fertilizers, Thames Centre Garbage Tags. Open: Monday to Friday 8 am – 5 pm & Saturday 8 am - noon

197 King Street
N0M 2P0

(519) 461-1490 (Voice)
(519) 461-0205 (Fax)
(226) 667-6405 (Toll free)


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Primary category: Support Activities for Animal Production (11521)
Secondary category: Other Specialty Food Stores (44529)
Number of employees: 10 to 19