Bur Oak Dental

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Bur Oak Dental is a family practice that has been open since 2004 and is proud to provide the community with all its oral health needs. As dental care providers, understanding the needs and concerns of patients like yourself has to be our top priority. We are an affordable Markham dentist team with warm & friendly staff to serve you and we’ve worked hard to create an atmosphere that promotes relaxation. New Patients are always welcome and we offer free consultations. Emergencies are always treated with priority. We pride ourselves to provide you with on-time appointments and offer little extras to make you feel more at home such as our massaging dental chairs.

549 Bur Oa 549 Bur Oak Ave
Unit #3

L6C 3E5


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Keywords: Markham dentist, dentist in Markham, Markham dental, Markham dentistry, kids dentist in Markham, best Markham dentist, Markham pediatric dentistry, Dental emergency Markham, cosmetic dentistry Markham
Primary category: General Medical and Surgical Hospitals (62211)
Secondary category: General Medical and Surgical Hospitals (62211)
Number of employees: 10 to 19