Northridge Emergency Dentist

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Northridge Emergency Dentist specializes in providing excellent same-day appointments to emergency patient s in Northridge and the surrounding areas. With a strong team of expert dentists and staff, we’re equipped to efficiently and effectively treat dental emergencies. We understand that most dental offices in Northridge are not available to conveniently accommodate emergency situations. To fill this gap, we offer a wide range of emergency services from emergency cleaning to treating complications resulting from a previous dental procedure. Our hours exceed regular dental office hours. We’re open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and also accommodate walk-in patients. For decades, we’ve helped thousands of people with all sorts of emergencies get quality dental care when they need it. I

8954 Reseda Boulevard Suite 100-3

(818) 928-5854 (Voice)


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Keywords: Dentist at Northridge, CA
Primary category: Offices of Dentists (62121)