Insta Glass Abbotsford

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At Insta Glass Abbotsford, our goal is simple: we want to make every customer as happy as possible with their auto glass repair. That is why we always go the extra mile for each of our customers. Since you will end up paying the same price no matter where you go to get your windshield repaired or replaced, we want to provide our customers with better service and more perks than they will be able to find anywhere else. Insta Glass first opened its doors in Abbotsford in 1994, expanding into Chilliwack in 1997, with the goal of providing excellent service to customers. Since the very beginning, we have maintained a small-town focus and feel this allows us to treat our customers like family.

#1–2139 Clearbrook Road
V2T 3H6

(604) 853-5613 (Voice)


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Keywords: Autoglass, Windshield, Repair
Primary category: Automotive Body, Paint, Interior and Glass Repair (81112)
Number of employees: 1 to 4