Certified Hand Therapist (CHP) NYC

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Professional, energetic, compassionate and empathetic, Cynergy’s healing style consists of highly trained, experienced physical therapists who treat patients of all ages for any given diagnoses from cranium to hallux. Our patient’s progress and their continued healthy lifestyle at discharge is the true success of our teamwork. Cynergy therapists understand each patient is unique. We customize individualized care at your initial evaluation and every session thereafter to treat your diagnosis while addressing you as a whole to meet your goals and enhance your lifestyle. Our care is always given one-on-one, with warmth, compassion and a sense of humor that true healing requires.

111 Broadway

New YorkNY

(347) 897-9223 (Voice)


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Keywords: Occupational therapist | Certified hand therapist (CHP) NYC | certified hand therapy | certified hand therapist financial district | best certified hand therapist NYC | NYC | New York.
Primary category: General Medical and Surgical Hospitals (62211)
Number of employees: 5 to 9