Parachute Design Group Inc.

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Parachute Design Group Inc. is a boutique Toronto website design company specializing in beautiful hand-made website design, custom logo design and branding since 2003. Our firm has expertly honed our creative process over the years to deliver design solutions that provide our clients with a newfound confidence in their brand and measurable results. We have been fortunate throughout the years to gain hands-on training and current insight into best-in-class search engine optimization practices through partnerships with many of our clients’ SEO providers. We weave this SEO experience into every website we create, offering our clients cost-benefit savings and the most thorough website design process from concept through post-launch support.

29 Dominion Road
M8W 1J5

(416) 901-8633 (Voice)


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Keywords: web design, website design, web designers, website designers, web developers, website developers, graphic design, logo design, branding
Primary category: Graphic Design Services (54143)
Number of employees: 10 to 19