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Probate is a process which validates and pronounces Last Will and Testament of Individual as valid and effective for purposes of estate administration and asset distribution. If you have had a loved one pass away recently, you may have found that their Will has to pass through probate court before debts of the decedent?may be paid and the remaining assets of the decedent may be distributed to the beneficiaries. Depending on the size and complexity of the estate itself, this process can take anywhere from few weeks to several years. If you are a beneficiary of the estate, or involved in it in any other way, it is important to understand what to expect and to have the help you need. Probate process includes several steps. This will provide you with an outline of what to expect while this eve

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New YorkNY

(212) 292-3851 (Voice)


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Keywords: Probate | Probate Attorney
Primary category: Commercial and Institutional Building Construction (23622)