Stein Art Studio

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Kristinka is an award wining internationally featured fine art photographer based inMenifee, California between Los Angeles and San Diego. Her newborn and maternity photography is innovative and fresh. Kristinka focuses on stunning photography sessions uniquely design for each client. Mama of two darling children, married to her elementary school sweetheart, and a serious lover of squishy babies, Kristinka's first love is her family. her family is highly involved in her photography from modeling to helping with photo sessions. Ever since she was little, her love for art helped her express her personality, She's not just taking pictures, she's documenting some of the most priceless fleeting times of your lives. With her photographs she thrive to build a time capsule so years from now you la

Beverly HillsCA

(424) 343-8244 (Voice)


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Primary category: Residential Building Construction (23611)