Lockeshire Jewelry

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Every piece of jewelry tells a story - Lockeshire Jewelry is an online fashion jewelry store offering a range of wearables like rings, bracelets, bangles, necklaces, pendants, anklets and earrings to our customers all over the world. Upon our clients' requests, we are also pleased to customise the jewelry for them. Services including laser engraving of names, dates, photos and general size alternations. 1. Rings 2. Pendants and Necklaces 3. Bracelets and Bangles 4. Earrings Come find the jewelry that represents your personality

51 Queen Street

(902) 808-3314 (Voice)


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Keywords: rings, bracelets, bangles, necklaces, pendants, charms, wedding rings, engagement rings, birth rings, anniversary rings, silicone rings, tungsten rings, stainless steel rings, titanium rings, engraving, laser engraving, engraving services, affordable jewelry, earrings, customisation, bracelets
Primary category: Jewellery Stores (44831)
Secondary category: Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses (45411)
Number of employees: Not Available