Ottawa Vasectomy and Infant Circumcision Clinic

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A simple, safe and effective form of permanent contraception, which involves preventing the sperm from entering the semen. Dr. Brulotte has been performing infant circumcisions at the Winchester District Memorial Hospital, and in-clinic since 2012. As part of his special interest in family planning, Dr. Brulotte received formal training in No-Needle No-Scalpel Vasectomy (NNNSV) from Dr. Douglas Stein, a world leader in No-Scalpel Vasectomy International (NSVI), and urological surgeon in Tampa, Florida. Dr Brulotte performs vasectomies at the South Ottawa Medical Centre as well as the Asclepios Medical Center.

1650 Queensdale Avenue, Unit 2 K1T 1N8
K1T 1N8

(613) 244-4400 (Voice)


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Primary category: General Medical and Surgical Hospitals (62211)