Uche P.C.

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At Uche P.C., we focus on a wide variety of personal injury cases ranging from car accidents to police brutality. Our entire legal practice is focused on protecting the rights of the injured by seeking financial compensation from individuals, corporations, local governments, and insurance companies amongst others, who are liable to our clients for negligent acts, reckless acts, or intentional misconduct. Our most recent trial resulted in a $1.18 million jury award for a young man who was unjustly shot and killed by a Chicago police officer. We have also set a record in Chicago by obtaining a $625,000 jury verdict for 11-hours of emotional distress suffered by our 86-year-old client in a nursing home. At Uche P.C. we also handle criminal defense and DUI defense as we have successfully go

314 N Loomis St, #G2

(312) 380-5341 (Voice)


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Keywords: Chicago Car Accident Lawyer, Chicago Truck Accident Attorney, Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer, Chicago Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer, Chicago Medical Malpractice Attorney, Chicago Birth Injury Attorney, Chicago Police Brutality Lawyer, Chicago Wrongful Death Attorney, Chicago dui attorney, Chicago dui lawyer
Primary category: Offices of Lawyers (54111)