John The Plumber

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John The Plumber has been serving Burlington residents for all their plumbing needs since 2006! We've been around the block and we know what we're doing. We're the guys that you can trust. Whether it's an upgrade, update, full renovation, or an emergency, we'll be there when you need us. Our team of licensed professional plumbers is available 24-7. When you need plumbing help, we'll be the first guys there. Blocked drains, water heaters, sump pumps, you name it... No job is too big, and no job is too small. You've probably seen our bright orange vans driving through Burlington. We do a lot of work in the neighbourhood. Ask your neighbours about us! We've probably installed, maintained, or repaired some of their pipes and they’re probably still covered by our long warranty.

3344 Mainway Rd
L7M 1A7

(289) 348-2366 (Voice)


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Keywords: Plumbing, plumber, water heater, toilet repair, plumbing services, drain cleaning, leak detection, water pressure, water heater installation, emergency plumber
Primary category: Plumbing, Heating and Air-Conditioning Contractors (23822)