First Rank SEO

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There are a number of factors that make Victoria a relatively unique city in Canada, and it's necessary to keep those factors in mind when creating an SEO strategy for the city. The first thing you might consider is Victoria's demographics; the city proper, Saanich, and Oak Bay all have populations older than the Canadian average. This means your SEO strategy may need to be customized to the kinds of queries and keywords used by older Canadians. When your product is targeting a younger demographic, it means you'll have a smaller pool of potential clients than you would in other areas, making it all the more important to reach them. Depending on your business, we may use our SEO strategy to attract customers from all over Vancouver Island. You may be the one of the only businesses of your

210-1005 Broad St
V8W 2A1

(236) 302-4312 (Voice)


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Primary category: Marketing Research and Public Opinion Polling (54191)