Kaban Montessori School

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Established in 2005, we have been providing families in Mississauga and surrounding areas with an enriching educational experience in the most positive learning environment for the past 15 years. If you are looking for a more academic focused Montessori school in Mississauga, please visit us and find out what makes Kaban Montessori school unique among private schools in Mississauga. We offer age specific programs such as Infant/Toddler Program, Casa Program, and Elementary, children are also welcomed to join our After School Program for fun and meaningful activities. For any information about Kaban, feel free to contact us!

2449 Dunwin Dr.
2449 Dunwin Dr.

L5L 1T1

(905) 569-3112 (Voice)


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Primary category: Elementary and Secondary Schools (61111)
Number of employees: 50 to 99