Moving Company near Langley

edit this listing is a local moving company near Langley. We provide movers near Langley. When moving to a new house, planning is crucial. If you've done it before, you've probably learnt a few hard lessons on the way and realize that being systematic and organized about your relocation can help you save time, money, and a lot of stress. Among the first things you'll need to do is find a reliable moving company, but all the nice ones get booked up quickly. At Simple Moves, we always try our best to supply clients the dates and times they need, but giving us a 30-day heads-up goes a long way to ensuring that we're able to fit you in. Our team of expert movers is always ready and eager to help. We provide a wide variety of services in order that you are able to do as little or as much as you wan

20585 Fraser Hwy
V3A 4G4

(604) 305-3366 (Voice)


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Keywords: Moving Company near Langley
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