Atlantic Air Duct Cleaning of Nassau County

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Facts about home clothes dryer fires. 2,900 home clothes dryer fires are reported each year. Most of the fireplaces happen due to lint buildup in the vent and ductwork. Atlantic Air Duct Cleaning of Nassau County can thoroughly clean your dryer vent reducing the risk of your dryer catching on fire. A dryer vent cleaning can improve the efficiency of your dryer and reduce the risk of a fire at your home. A blocked vent leads to increased energy consumption by your dryer. Having your dryer vent cleaned can not only help you prevent a house fire, but it can help you save money through reduced energy bills. The dryer will last longer and your clothes will dry quicker. In general it’s recommended to clean a dryer vent once in 5-6 months depending on the usage frequency.

123 Main street
New YorkNY

(516) 916-5717 (Voice)


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Keywords: Air Duct Cleaning| Dryer Vent Cleaning| Chimney Cleaning| HVAC installation| Dryer vent installation| Dryer vent repair| Commercial Air Duct Cleaning| Commercial Duct Cleaning| Vent Cleaning| Duct Cleaning| Nassau County| Suffolk County| Long Island| New York.
Primary category: Dry Cleaning and Laundry Services (except Coin-Operated) (81232)