Korban Funeral Chapel

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Korban Funeral Chapel has been serving the Winnipeg communities since 1977 with personalized, affordable and dignified funeral services. We are a small, family operated funeral home offering affordable funeral, cremation and burial services. Because we are small, each and every person who walks through our doors is treated like family. Korban Chapel also has a well appointed reception facility for gatherings following the funeral. We are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week and offer many pre-arrangement options.

907 Main St
R2W 3P2

(204) 956-2193 (Voice)


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Keywords: Catholic funeral home, Filipino catholic funeral home Winnipeg, Filipino funeral home, funeral home Winnipeg, Portuguese catholic funeral home, Ukranian catholic funeral home, Portuguese funeral home Winnipeg funeral services
Primary category: Funeral Homes (81221)