Stan Bond SA

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Stan bond is the maker of items of home decor since the year 1970 in Adelaide. Stan bond is the company that makes blinds, awnings, shutters, security doors and security screens. Stan bond is the company that has taken the steps to make its products affordable and affable. Stan bond makes indoor blinds like the aluminium venetian blinds that are used for their quality of being water resistant. These blinds are used in bathrooms and kitchens and also been installed in their tens of thousands in hospitals and offices. Stan bond also makes the timber venetian blinds. There are fabrics blinds that may be sheer or block out that are made by the Stan bond.

5/511 Lower North East Rd

08 8336 2066  (Voice)


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Keywords: shutters adelaide, plantation shutters adelaide, shutters adelaide, roller blinds adelaide, blinds adelaide, crimsafe adelaide, roller shutters adelaide, external blinds adelaide, outdoor blinds adelaide, exterior blinds adelaide, outdoor awnings adelaide, security doors adelaide, security screens adelaide,curtains and blinds adelaide, curtains adelaide, indoor blinds adelaide, interior blinds adelaide,internal blinds adelaide, motorised outside blind adelaide, awnings adelaide, retractable awnings adelaide, window film adelaide
Primary category: All Other Wood Product Manufacturing (32199)
Number of employees: 100 to 249