One Oak Construction

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"One Oak is a commercial construction company that specializes in offices, restaurants, retail spaces and franchises. Since the company was established in 2013, we have successfully completed projects across the GTA and southern Ontario. We always deliver high-quality builds that delight our clients. Proudly Local One Oak is proud to be part of the GTA community. We’re passionate about building inspiring and innovative workspaces for our clients. We are fully licensed, insured, and approved by the WSIB. Small and Mighty Our in-house team provides each client with focused attention. We don’t try to juggle a half dozen projects at once. You benefit from the expertise of our carefully selected suppliers, tradesmen, and laborers. Each job is customized for the client. Organic Growth Over

146 -55 Northfield Drive East,
N2K 3T6


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Keywords: restaurant contractor Waterloo restaurant contractor Kitchener restaurant contractors Milton restaurant contractor Burlington restaurant contractor Oakville restaurant contractor mississauga restaurant renovation contractor contractor restaurant restaurant construction companies restaurant renovation restaurant contractor Restaurant design build Restaurant Construction
Primary category: Commercial and Institutional Building Construction (23622)