Genesis Family Dentistry

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Genesis Family Dentistry located in uptown Charlotte is prioritizing seeking new knowledge and means to serve you better. They have invested in a state of the art technology so that they can have that near-perfect diagnosis on your dental problems. The more accurate they can come the better since they can suggest all the necessary treatments and you can choose from that suggestion that will suit your needs. We assure our clients that once they set foot in our facility they will not feel any uncomfortable situation since your welfare is our priority and you are a family to us. Services: partial dentures, tooth extractions, dental crowns

1020 E 10th St #1

(980) 272-4700 (Voice)


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Keywords: dentist uptown charlotte, dentist plaza midwood, uptown dentist charlotte nc, charlotte uptown dentist, dentist uptown charlotte nc,
Primary category: Offices of Dentists (62121)