Extreme Clean Housekeeping, Hoarding & Home Cleaning Services Toronto

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At Extreme Clean we believe great service begins and ends with experienced and friendly professionals. We built our hoarding clean up team with people who are passionate about the industry and who want to support individuals struggling with hoarding. Our house cleaning staff have many years of cleaning experience and will leave your home spick and span. Extreme Clean has Eco-Friendly options that are not only safe but effective. With a focus on personalized services, competitive rates and customer satisfaction, we’re always striving to meet and exceed expectations.

50 Regent St
M6N 3N9

(647) 234-3567 (Voice)


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Keywords: cleaning services, cleaning services toronto, carpet cleaning, hoarding, housekeeping, house cleaning services, home cleaning services, pressure washing, steam cleaning, carpet cleaning services, commercial cleaning services
Primary category: Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Services (56174)
Number of employees: 10 to 19