Stephen Durbin & Associates

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Stephen Durbin & Associates is the leading divorce and family law firm in Markham. We specialize in providing professional access to expert lawyers who always have your family's best interests in mind. Divorce proceedings, separations, and custody cases can be stressful times and the costs can quickly become unmanageable. We make it our top priority to resolve your case quickly with as little anguish or expense as possible. We prefer to keep our cases out of court, as they can cause issues to drag on and do more harm than good. Our top priority is ensuring your family emerges from whatever issues you are facing stronger and with minimal emotional and financial impact. Stephen Durbin & Associates is the most trusted name in Family Law.

15 Allstate Pkwy
Suite 600

L3R 5B4

(289) 800-0639 (Voice)


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Keywords: Divorce & Family Lawyer, Legal service
Primary category: Offices of Lawyers (54111)