M-R Fournier, CPA

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Everyone deserves to focus on their family and do what they love without worrying about the latest tax regulations, payroll updates, or bookkeeping rules. At M­R Fournier CPA, I will make accounting and taxation simple. I can help you with your personal taxes, retirement planning, small business bookkeeping, payroll including T4 preparation, GST/PST returns, financial statements preparation and corporate tax return. Therefore, you will have more time to spend with your family and you will know that all your accounting and taxation needs will be handled in a timely manner taking into account the most recent regulations.

489 Owens Rd
V9C 2C3

(250) 590-8592 (Voice)


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Keywords: Personal and corporate income tax, retirement planning, small business bookkeeping, payroll including T4 preparation, GST/PST returns, financial statements preparation, corporate tax return Westshore
Primary category: Accounting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping and Payroll Services (54121)