Foundation Chiropractic + Physiotherapy

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Foundation Chiropractic and Sports Therapy is located in Kelowna, British Columbia. Foundation will provide an integrative approach to care. Our team of chiropractors focuses on finding the root of your injury and treating the body as a whole. We analyze posture, movement patterns, muscles, and previous injuries to get you functioning your best. We provide customized treatment programs to help you reach your goals. Our services include chiropractic adjustments, active release technique, Graston technique, cupping, custom rehab programs, and movement screens. At Foundation Chiropractic, our chiropractors start with a thorough history and exam.

810 Clement Ave, unit 112
V1Y 7C9

(778) 594-4022 (Voice)


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Keywords: Chiropractor Kelowna, Sports therapy, Active release, graston, pregnancy chiropractic
Primary category: Offices of Chiropractors (62131)
Number of employees: 1 to 4