Key Mindfulness

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Key Mindfulness founders, Rosemary Sherro and Eugenie Pepper support people to achieve their goals and find solutions to make positive change in their lives through meditation, hypnotherapy, counselling, and coaching and the incorporation of science-backed positive psychology interventions. We are passionate to guide our clients to achieve positive outcomes by teaching them the strategies they need to have the confidence and knowledge to support themselves. We assist people to find the keys they need for wellbeing and to develop a positive and flourishing life. Eugenie Pepper is a psychotherapist, with a focus on positive psychology and hypnotherapy and Rosemary Sherro is a hypnotherapist, counsellor, writer and inspirational speaker.

97 Avoca St 2031

(041) 235-2429 (Voice)


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Primary category: Residential Mental Health and Substance Abuse Facilities (62322)