Addiction Rehab Centres

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Addiction Rehab Centres is a nationwide network of drug rehab providers based upon provinces, and the mission is to assist individuals who are struggling to recover by matching them with the best rehabilitation centre for their needs. The centre operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so that anyone suffering from drug or alcohol addiction can have access to information on where to seek help as soon as they decide they are ready to seek it. It also assists families of addicts with services such as interventionists and family therapy. Success in overcoming addiction is the mission of Addiction Rehab Centres.

211 Queen 211 Queen St E M5A 1S2
M5A 1S2

(855) 885-4747 (Voice)


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Keywords: Addiction Rehab Centres
Primary category: Residential Mental Health and Substance Abuse Facilities (62322)
Number of employees: 10 to 19