Smart Clinic

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SMART CLINIC brings a collaborative program between addiction and mental health treatment programs, as well as primary care, which can improve the delivery of services and support to those in need. Our purpose is to provide excellence in treatment to enable all those suffering from addictive disorders to achieve a goal of life-long recovery. To achieve better outcomes for those suffering from addiction and mental health concerns, services from primary to mental health work together to improve the overall wellbeing of individuals. A comprehensive view can put patients on a personal journey to recovery where they can make healthy changes in their lives, respond to their own needs and establish their own goals.

1116 centre street N T2E 2R2
116 3730, 104 Ave NE

T2E 2R2

(403) 769-0111 (Voice)


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Keywords: Addiction Clinic, Addiction Treatment Overcoming Drug Addiction Rehabilitation Drugs Alcohol Deaddiction Treatment Problematic Substance Use Opioid Use disorder Mental health Clinic and treatment centre Methadone and Suboxone Treatment Program Anxiety and Depression Clinic
Primary category: Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Hospitals (62221)
Number of employees: 250 to 499