Boost Psychology

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Boost Psychology is a practice located in South Edmonton. Boost offers therapy, provided by licensed Psychologists for a variety of issues. Our therapists are experienced in providing psychology services to individuals, couples, and families. Our mission is to create a healthy, warm, and inviting environment for all. Kirsten is a Registered Psychologist who practices from a person-centred and cognitive behavioural perspective. She works with adolescents age 14 and up and adults. Kirsten is comfortable working with various issues including depression, anxiety, grief, life changes, relationship difficulties, PTSD and trauma. Kirsten uses Prolonged Exposure therapy for the treatment of PTSD and enjoys assisting people to regain function and return to healthier state post-trauma. She is esp

2307 90b St SW
T6X 1V8

(780) 628-5446 (Voice)


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Keywords: Edmonton psychologist, Edmonton ptsd treatment, Edmonton depression treatment, Edmonton stress treatment, Edmonton couples therapy
Primary category: Offices of Mental Health Practitioners (except Physicians) (62133)