Hair Extensions Dallas

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Thin, dull, boring looking hair? In the past your only options were: wearing a wig, having a chemical perm with unpredicable results and damage to your hair, coloring your hair every four-weeks and experiencing different colors every time, or living with your boring hair. From natural hair colors to fantasy shades, straight to curly styles, crystals, feathers and more - hair extensions help you add a completely unique dimension to your personal fashion statement. While hair extensions are perfect for special occasions such as weddings, proms, parties, and family gatherings, they are also terrific for everyday wear. We have created an extremely high-tech method of bonding between the Great Lengths strand and your own hair. This point of attachment is composed of polymer chains whose molecul

4485 Trinity Mills Rd First floor

(214) 247-7154 (Voice)


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Keywords: hair extensions for sale dallas | hair extension dallas | hair extensions dallas | buy hair extensions
Primary category: Hair Care and Esthetic Services (81211)