Canna Cabana

edit this listing • At Canna Cabana, we can tell you every little thing about smoking. With our professional crew, we've been building places for smokers to really feel safe, meet up and share their love for cannabis with each other. But we've got greater than just weed: we're talking bongs, pipes, vapes, dab rigs, grinders, and anything else a smoker could ever want. There's absolutely nothing like walking into a Cabana and browsing our walls of spectacular glass wares from brands like Famous Design, Dopezilla, Vodka Glass, and lots of more.We've made it our goal to offer an inviting and positive place for smokers, young and old, new and expert. Everyone is welcome at our store. Welcome to our Cabana-- we built it for you.

16952 111 Ave NW #4
T5M 4C9

(780) 760-4207 (Voice)


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Keywords: bongs, pipes, vapes, dab rigs, grinders, weed, smoke
Primary category: Business Service Centres (56143)