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SharedEasy is a Coliving company where people with similar values choose to occupy a private room in a shared space that includes utilities, cleaning services, WIFI, and many members perks. With Coliving, you don’t have to worry about furnishing and any hidden costs that come with traditional housing models. What Coliving offers is simplicity. SharedEasy offers move-in ready Coliving spaces with everything included in one monthly fee. For move-in, you have to sign an agreement and take with you just your suitcase. And you all set! You are in a modern apartment in New York fully ready for your wonderful and unforgettable time in New York. Enjoy this experience with SharedEasy.

10 Manhattan Ave
New YorkNY

(929) 575-5792 (Voice)


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Keywords: coliving nyc, co living nyc, co-living nyc, communal living nyc
Primary category: Offices of Real Estate Agents and Brokers (53121)