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EcoIceGrip is an alternative to ice melt, developed to combat harsh winter weather conditions using treated wood chips. Our product is non-corrosive, damage-free, pet-friendly and environmentally safe — simply put, it’s the safest ice-melt option on the market.

433-3551 St. Charles Boulevard
H9H 3C4

(844) 423-4747 (Voice)


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Keywords: ice melt with traction, environmentally safe ice melt, wood safe ice melt, salt brine for roads, pet-safe ice melt, pet-friendly ice melt, pet-friendly salt, concrete safe ice melt, safe paw ice melt, eco-friendly ice melt, ice melt driveway safe, deicing salt, ice melt salt, road salt alternatives, road salt, deicer
Primary category: Home Centres (44411)
Secondary category: Nursery Stores and Garden Centres (44422)
Number of employees: 1 to 4