Neuro Endospine Surgery

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Dr. Rappard has been performing NeuroEndospine surgery since 2009. He is regarded as one of the leading NeuroEndospine surgeons in the United States. Dr. Rappard regularly teaches NeuroEndospine surgery to physicians both new to and experienced in NeuroEndospine surgery. His state-of-the-art NeuroEndospine surgery facility in Beverly Hills is regarded as the best equipped and most advanced NeuroEndospine teaching and operating facility in the West Coast. Like most masters in the field, Dr. Rappard not only teaches but regularly performs research in the area of spine surgery care. He is the author of multiple scientific publications and continuously presents original scientific research in the field.

8929 Wilshire Blvd Ste #215
Beverly HillsCA

(424) 777-7463 (Voice)


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Keywords: Neuro Endospine Surgery at Beverly Hills, CA. Health at Beverly Hills, CA.
Primary category: Home Health Care Services (62161)