Dr. Philip A. Matorin MD

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Philip A. Matorin, MD, is a highly trained otolaryngology and ENT specialist providing the latest medical and surgical treatment options for disorders of the ears, nose, and throat in both adults and children. He has a special interest in allergy, sinus, snoring, and sleep disorders. He’s a strong advocate for patient education—founding our center around the idea of a holistic approach to medical care. He believes that patients should be highly involved in the decision-making process for their treatment. That’s why Dr. Matorin spends a great deal of time with patients to make sure they fully understand their options. Dr. Matorin is board certified in ear, nose, and throat, and head and neck surgery by the American Board of Otolaryngology.

6699 Chimney Rock Road


(713) 665-8887 (Voice)


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Primary category: Offices of Physicians (62111)