Tilem & Associates, PC

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Tilem & Associates, PC, is a New York boutique litigation firm that offers clients personalized attention and innovative solutions to their legal issues. The lawyers at Tilem & Associates, PC have an unparalleled track record in winning and settling tough cases and obtaining the best possible outcomes for our clients. Founder and Senior Partner Peter H. Tilem, Esq,, a former homicide prosecutor in the New York County District Attorney's Office, has more than 30 years of legal experience and has successfully litigated thousands of cases. He is a frequent lecturer, regularly appears in the media and is a highly regarded lawyer by both fellow members of the bar and the Judges that he appears before.

188 East Post Road
White PlainsNY

914-833-9785 (Voice)
(914) 833-9788 (Fax)
(877) 377-8666 (Toll free)


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Keywords: Criminal Defense, DWI, Speeding, Attorney, Lawyer, New York, Firearms, gun, Westchester, DUI
Primary category: Offices of Lawyers (54111)