PNZ Fitness

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I was born and raised in Puebla, Mexico. I started playing soccer at a very young age and I transitioned to playing professionally and tried to make that my career. A few years later, I stop playing soccer and went to compete in CrossFit where I rediscovered my passion for fitness and health. I began my coaching career in 2015 and since then, I have helped my clients feel more confident and reach their goals. I am a certified OPEX coach and have a diploma in Kinesiology from Langara College. I have dedicated the last 7+ years to learning about fitness, nutrition, human behavior, and psychology. I have been working with people as a personal trainer for the past 6+ years (started in 2015) and 3 years (2018) as an online fitness coach.

747 Gore Ave
V6A 2Z9

(236) 668-1232 (Voice)


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Primary category: Fitness and Recreational Sports Centres (71394)