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PPFD is a warehouse and distribution company that specializes in fulfillment, pick and pack services, kitting, cross docking, storage, third party logistics, ecommerce fulfillment and contest administration and execution and much more. Contact us for all of your warehousing and distributing needs. Located in South Whitby, PPFD is a family owned and operated company and has been in business since 1986. Proudly Canadian owned and operated.

80 William Smith Drive
L1N 9W1

(905) 668-5060 (Voice)
(800) 263-4678 (Toll free)


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Keywords: Warehousing, Distribution, Fulfillment, Third Party Logistics, 3PL, Pick and pack distribution, Repackaging, Storage, Contest Administration, Contest Execution, Ecommerce Fulfillment, Crossdocking
Primary category: General Warehousing and Storage (49311)
Secondary category: Other Warehousing and Storage (49319)
Number of employees: 50 to 99