Dr. Kendra Gray

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Dr. Gray is a physician, a wife and a mom to two children. She understands the worry and challenges that even a “normal” or low-risk pregnancy can cause, and knows that not all pregnancies are low risk requiring a personalized approach for a healthy delivery. Dr. Gray is among the few physicians in the country with the unique training and expertise in advanced diagnosis of higher risk pregnancies. Her advanced training has made her an expert in the delivery of complex surgical patients, managing women who require critical care and emergency services in the hospital, in addition, to outpatient care of such. She also specializes in prenatal consultation, genetic diagnosis and testing and the diagnosis and management of pregnancies where the fetus or baby may have abnormalities.

1450 S. Dobson Rd. Suite A-104 & A-108

(480) 866-8787 (Voice)


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Keywords: High Risk Pregnancy Specialists, gynecologist, Gynecology, doctor, medicine, perinatal care
Primary category: General Medical and Surgical Hospitals (62211)